Quick Facts
Acid Rain
The Jade Forest
  1. Paint it Red!
  2. Touching Ground
  3. Finish Them!
  4. Fire Is Always the Answer
  5. The Final Blow!
  6. You're Either With Us Or...
  7. Regroup!
  8. Face to Face With Consequence
  9. Prowler Problems
  10. Seeking Zin'jun
  11. Cryin' My Eyes Out
  12. Seein' Red
  13. Assault on the Airstrip
  14. Strongarm Tactics
  15. Choppertunity
  16. Unreliable Allies
  17. The Darkness Within
  18. Nazgrim's Command
  19. Forensic Science
  20. Acid Rain
  21. Missed Me By... That Much!
  22. They're So Thorny!
  23. Lay of the Land
  24. Stay a While, and Listen
  25. A Mile in My Shoes
  26. If These Stones Could Speak
  27. Family Tree
  28. Peering Into the Past
  29. Swallowed Whole
  30. Orders are Orders
  31. Wicked Wikkets
  32. Instant Messaging
  33. Beyond the Horizon
  34. Furious Fowl
  35. What's in a Name Name?
  36. Boom Bait
  37. Silly Wikket, Slickies are for Hozen
  38. Scouting Report: Hostile Natives
  39. Scouting Report: On the Right Track
  40. Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy
  41. Scouting Report: Like Jinyu in a Barrel
  42. Green-ish Energy
  43. Boom Goes the Doonamite!
  44. Guerrillas in our Midst
  45. Burning Down the House
  46. Dawn's Blossom
  47. Welcome to Dawn's Blossom
  48. The Double Hozen Dare
  49. The Threads that Stick
  50. The Silkwood Road
  51. Find the Boy
  52. Shrine of the Dawn
  53. Quill of Stingers
  54. The Perfect Color
  55. Getting Permission
  56. The Jade Witch
  57. Down Kitty!
  58. All We Can Spare
  59. I Have No Jade And I Must Scream
  60. Calamity Jade
  61. Mann's Man
  62. Trapped!
  63. What's Mined Is Yours
  64. The Serpent's Heart
  65. Love's Labor
  66. The Temple of the Jade Serpent
  67. The Scryer's Dilemma
  68. A New Vision
  69. The Librarian's Quandary
  70. Pages of History
  71. Moth-Ridden
  72. Everything In Its Place
  73. The Rider's Bind
  74. Lighting Up the Sky
  75. The Jade Serpent
  76. Sufficient Motivation
  77. Gauging Our Progress
  78. Last Piece of the Puzzle
  79. The Seal is Broken
  80. Residual Fallout
  81. Jaded Heart
  82. Emergency Response
  83. Moving On

Acid Rain

Using the Recovered Gyrocopter, kill 25 Hozen Gutrippers and 25 Hozen Nibstabbers.
Hozen Gutripper slain (25)
Hozen Nibstabber slain (25)


Since you've been gone, more and more of these creatures are approaching our camp. They appear to be amassing for a major assault!

We're going to have to take some drastic measures if we hope to see tomorrow.

Here, take my poisoned throwing stars and figure out a way to thin out their numbers.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Honorary Combat Engineer's Leather Trousers Honorary Combat Engineer's Chain Leggings
Honorary Combat Engineer's Silk Trousers Honorary Combat Engineer's Satin Leggings
Honorary Combat Engineer's Hide Leggings Honorary Combat Engineer's Ringmail Leggings
You will also receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29827))

